How good are you at languages?

It's rare with people that really knows languages good.... They never keep study to become better then they really are.... or they think they are!!!! The world is becoming unsocial to the other countries!!!!!! Please people, communicate with eachother!!!!!!!!

Are you one of them???? Are you one of those who have a talent with languages???? Find out how good you really are!!! You might get surprised.... or dissappointed???? The only way to find that out is to do a test, this test!!! My quiz!! You'll like it!!!

Created by: Angelica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What language is this: jag är en fisk
  2. What does Mahal Kita mean?
  3. Finnish the following sentence: Me llamo...
  4. Which word does NOT mean carrot?
  5. Are your parents from the same country?
  6. Do you study alot?
  7. Which language is this: watashi wa neko desu
  8. Which word is tagalog?
  9. Where does Icelandic horses come from?
  10. Which language is this: minä

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Quiz topic: How good am I at languages?