How Genius Are You?

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There many smart people out there. But only a few the true geniuses. Okay, here, i will test you, how genius are you. Are you understand? Okay, if yes, please take this quiz!

Are you genius? Is that true? Do you have a wonderful brain for a hard question? Yes? Okay, i will test you, how GENIUS are YOU? Okay, you too sure. Oh you not, okay, just take my quiz okay?

Created by: ToPotter
  1. Well, we'll start here, are you happy?
  2. Okay, question one: which one more heavier? Cold or hot?
  3. Which elephant have the best smelling?
  4. Where and when the first car accident?
  5. How many bananas can fill our energy for 90 minutes?
  6. how many times we have to jump for healthy?
  7. Can cat jaw move left or right?
  8. What nutrition in fish?
  9. Can Pollia condensta glow when it was fosil?
  10. What is The White City?
  11. Why we have to drink?
  12. How many dream human can have in one day?
  13. How many years snail can sleep?
  14. Does kangaroo can walk back, without spin?
  15. What is Budapest, in Hungary, Europe, call?

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Quiz topic: How Genius am I?