How fun are you?

Fun - Everyone wants to be fun. Everyone wants to attract friends and be that bright, happy, maybe slightly crazy person that makes the best out of every situation. And rocks the parties.

Are YOU fun? Take this quiz and, in just mere moments, you will know. Everyone wants to be fun. Everyone wants to attract friends and be that bright, happy, maybe slightly crazy person that makes the best out of every situation. And rocks the parties.

Created by: Jes

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are home alone you like to...
  2. You just bought a new shirt. It has what kind of design on it?
  3. Lucky you! You just got a new animal in the post! What is it?
  4. Your best friend just invited you out. Where are you going?
  5. Your favorite color is...
  6. Aww, you found a note in your locker. What does it say?
  7. You found a suitcase full of money on the ground. What are you going to do with it?
  8. What type of music do you like
  9. Oh my! There is a giant bug in your bedroom! You...
  10. It's your birthday! What are you eating?

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Quiz topic: How fun am I?