How EMO Are You!!!

Omg so you are about to take my emo quiz to find out if you are actually emo or not! I bet you cannot wait to know the truth.

I bet you would like to know your social rank/class. Yeah right your probly poser emo. You take this for fun so you'll probly be emo so HA HA HA EMOOOOO!!!

Created by: molly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would your band name be?
  2. What would you rather do?
  3. Witch would you date (girls only).
  4. Which would you date (this is for boys)?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. How would you discribe your mood?
  7. Are you ???
  8. Faveit animal
  9. A bulit with butterfly wings.
  10. Do you think your emo?

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Quiz topic: How EMO am I!!!