how embarrassing are your parents?

We all love our parents, and we put them before anything else. Being a parent takes a lot of work. You have to love your kid, but at the same time discipline your kids.

But, there are certain parents who are loving for sure , but at the same time very embarrassing. They do anything to embarrass their kids to a point where they would want to hide in a hole or disappear forever.

Created by: anonymous
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Suppose you are in a mall with your mom. And some dance worthy music starts playing. What will she do?
  2. Suppose you are going to hang out with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Which of the following will your mom/dad be saying?
  3. Suppose you are going to hang out with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Which of the following will your mom/dad be saying?
  4. Suppose you are going to hang out with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Which of the following will your mom/dad be saying?
  5. What does your mom west when she goes out ?
  6. (Girls only) Suppose if you get your period. What Would your parents do?
  7. What is you mom most likely to say in a Store?
  8. Have you had the talk?( if you know What I mean)
  9. What are your parents working as?
  10. What do you think your results will be?

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Quiz topic: How embarrassing am Ir parents?