How edgy are you?

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There are many edgy people, but true few edgelords. Edgy is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a edgelord? A edgelord is someone who has an extroardinarily edgy mind, is able to cut, and see the world through their cut arms.

Are you a edge lord? Probably not. Kill yourself. You have no reason to live. But if you are a edgelordnthen proceed on. For the true edgelord a prize awaits them.

Created by: Lebron
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you blaze weed m9?
  2. What do you wear daily?
  3. Do you cut?
  4. How many memes have you created?
  5. Sex
  6. Have you ever threatened to kill yourself
  7. Memes?
  8. Have you ever had a steam account?
  9. Is Karl Marx a good person?
  10. Last question

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Quiz topic: How edgy am I?