How do you see the USA?

Do you like the USA. It's a simple question, but an unsimple answer. Sometimes people aren't sure if they do or not so may be disciplined for not choosing a side.

Being the bad guy is fun. Liberals and conservatives are enemies to each other in life, but are on the same team. It's best just to call the liberals the bad guys and be done with it.

Created by: jack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a Democrat or Republican?
  2. Did you serve in the military?
  3. The USA should be in charge of all holy lands because God loves the USA?
  4. Guns are great
  5. Freedom of religion is more important than freedom of speech
  6. I would never plead the 5th in court
  7. I love conservative news
  8. Rap music is better than rock music
  9. USA should be in charge of every other country?
  10. I voted

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Quiz topic: How do I see the USA?