How do you express your gender?

Are you feminine, masculine, androgynous, or undifferentiated? This test will give you some insight into that if you're wondering. It also works for fun.

This test could be way off. Not everything has to do with gender. You can be you and that's fine. Please answer as close as you can to the truth. Yahhhhhhhh

Created by: Valarie Po
  1. What pronouns do you use?
  2. What would you rather wear to a formal event?
  3. If someone complimented you, which would you like the most?
  4. Do you identify as female?
  5. Do you identify as male?
  6. Do you identify as a non-binary gender?
  7. Do you identify as intersex?
  8. Do you wanna wear nail polish?
  9. What's funnier?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How do I express my gender?
