How Crazy Are You?

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There are many people in the world, but not everyone is normal! Are you normal? You may or may not be! Take this quiz now to find out how crazy you are!

Do you feel crazy? Well, this quiz is going to tell you the truth on whether you really are crazy or if you're actually just a normal person like most people.

Created by: Shimmers
  1. Do you own any strange animals?
  2. What is your current hair color?
  3. How often does someone call you crazy?
  4. When you're alone, what are you usually doing?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Do you ever take out your anger on others? (Explain)
  7. What do you do when someone makes you mad?
  8. Do you have any friends? (Explain)
  9. Have you ever committed any of the following crimes?
  10. Have you ever been in jail?
  11. Do you consider yourself to be annoying?
  12. Can you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am I?