how cool are you???

there are a few coool people. maybe you're one of them watev i'm outa stuff to say why does this have to be so long. what do i have to say??? I mean really. Excessive use of characters? come on?

Take our quiz to find out if Person One and Person Two would hang out with you. If not, you're a loser!We kinda hope you're not... I guess that was a nice thing to say. But seriously if you hink you're cool take this and find out for real.

Created by: Jacqueline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who's your favorite (or favourite ahem) band?
  2. Favourite (favorite) movie?
  3. Favorite (favourite) tv show?
  4. Favourite author?
  5. Favorite Sport?
  6. Favourite Country
  7. Favorite Sports team?
  8. Favorite silly word?
  9. Fave book?
  10. fave color (or COLOUR???!!!)?
  11. fave animal?
  12. fave video game?
  13. are you a...
  14. would you rather go to...
  15. describe yourself...
  16. one thing to bring on a deserted island...
  17. which city?
  18. which store???
  19. hairstyle???
  20. fave lifestyle???
  21. makeup?
  22. pet?
  23. Do you think you'll pass this test??

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Quiz topic: How cool am I???