How chinese are you?

Have you ever wondered, what culture are you? Many people want to be Chinese, but how Chinese exactly? Well, I just know if you are Chinese or not! Yes!

Take this quiz, yes, just do it! And within a minute, you know if you are Chinese! But remember, it's not 100% accurate, so don't go out and scream," I AM CHINEEEEEESE!"

Created by: Agnes Lee
  1. Where do you live?
  2. Which food satisfies you the most?
  3. Which eating instrument is the best?
  4. Do you speak chinese?
  5. Do you celebrate Chinese New Year?
  6. Do you celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival?
  7. Your favorite festival:
  8. Do you prepare hongbao?
  9. Do you have the below surnames? If you do, click on it!
  10. Did you watch Journey To The West?
  11. Are your ancestors from China?

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Quiz topic: How chinese am I?