How cat like are you?

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Everyone should be a cat! The world would be so much better with selfish, independent, fierce, but yet the most lovable creatures in the world! If I was a cat my life would be perfect!

Are you a cat? Could you be a cat? I always wanted the answer to this question," How cat like am I?". I would do anything to be a cat or to be like that lovable little creature.

Created by: Julia Catt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In your free time you......
  2. Your friend calls you and asks if you wants you to come over but you really don't want to, you say.......
  3. You are invited to a popular girl's/boy's party and you really want to go but you are grounded, you.........
  4. You are at a restaurant and you don't know if you will like what you ordered, you decide to........
  5. Your best sense is....
  6. Your friends think you are......
  7. Your favorite animal is....
  8. Your job is....
  9. You favorite food is...
  10. Should I make more quizes? ( this has no effect on your score, I promise)

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Quiz topic: How cat like am I?