How Big of a POTTERHEAD are You?

Ahh! You must know Harry Potter! Or do you? Take this test to find out how big of a Potterhead (Harry Potter fans) you are. Don’t worry about time and go with the flow while answering questions.

But if you are to play our quiz, you must follow the dress code. The dress code goes as follows: A smile. YEP that’s it. Hahaha. You might have thought it to be serious. LOL

Created by: Mimi
  1. When did you first find out about Harry Potter?
  2. What Hogwarts house are you?
  3. What is Lupin’s (Remus Lupin’s) middle name?
  4. What was the name if Harry’s owl
  5. What was the platform you go to to get the Hogwarts Express
  6. This doesnt affect your answers so now it’s time for a snack.
  7. What happens when you get handed Floo powder
  8. What is the most hated book
  9. What is the most hated film
  10. What would you prefer for a wand wood?

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Quiz topic: How Big of a POTTERHEAD am I?
