how beautiful are you?

This quiz helps young people mostly, discover their unique beauty. some may think they don't have any but others know they do, this will help you find who you are.

How do i know I'm pretty? This quiz will help, with a lot of common questions youth and teens face, but is great for any age, race, and gender. Please comment or share this quiz if it helped you!

Created by: Brandy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you think of your body?
  2. What do you think of your hair?
  3. what do you think of your complexion?
  4. what flaws do you have?
  5. what are things you love about yourself?
  6. whats your personality?
  7. what do you want in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  8. are you content with yourself?
  9. if you would be granted one wish want would it be?
  10. chose one that suites you

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I?