How beautiful are you?

Do you believe in true beauty? Do you believe you're beautiful? Take this test, and find out whether you're beautiful or not (of course, everyone's beautiful!)

I'm not entirely sure what to type here! Oops. Do you believe in true beauty? Do you believe you're beautiful? Take this test, and find out whether you're beautiful or not (of course, everyone's beautiful!)

Created by: Bonnie
  1. Are you confident?
  2. Do you judge others by their appearances, or by their personalities?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. Which YouTubers do you watch?
  5. Do you think this quizz is pointless? Be honest!
  6. Do you believe in 'perfection'?
  7. Do you have any pets?
  8. Do you think you're beautiful?
  9. Are you active?
  10. Have you enjoyed this quizz? Be honest!

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I?