How Awesome are you Really??

There are many awesome people NOT! you have to hav tallent to be truly awesome take my quiz and become aweome!! tell all your friends and coment on your rank!

are u awesome? do u have what it takes to be awesome? take my quiz and youll find out! NOW YOU HAVE READ THE SENTANCE TO BECOME AWESOME READ IT AGAIN TO BE EVEN AWESOMER!!

Created by: Jaimie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your hair color??
  2. Whats your favorite color???
  3. Whats your favorite TV show??
  4. Whats your Favorite Store??
  5. Whats your Eye Color?
  6. What Kind Of Clothing Do You Wear??
  7. Whats your fav name brand?
  9. Whats your fav animal?
  10. How Awesome do U think u are?? the better the worse??
  11. Whats your Name?

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Quiz topic: How Awesome am I Really??