How Amazingly Random Are You?

people are weird, people are crazy and people are undeniably random! are you amazingly random the kind that makes people laugh and smile? or are you just another poser?

are you random does obama have a place in your heart? can sarah palin really shoot a gun is oprah a man are there aliens on uranus?take this quiz and you'll find out.

Created by: osterwoman

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello there!
  2. How are you today?
  3. How much do you laugh?
  4. out of these what anoys you most?
  5. so this is the first quiz ive ever made, do you think its okay...?
  6. cheese and...
  7. color?
  8. i think i should be going...
  9. my name is...
  10. would you bungy jump?
  11. ok, bye this is getting old.

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Quiz topic: How Amazingly Random am I?