How Accomplished are You? (females)

I don't know if you've ever heard of accomplished young ladies from the nineteenth century. Most know about it from Jane Austen's novels. How educated would you be considered if you lived in that time?

Ladies were expected to be able to make good conversation, but it was dangerous for them to be able to rival their husbands' education. How accomplished are you?

Created by: Rhoda

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you read?
  2. How often do you read?
  3. What do your letters look like?
  4. Can you run household finances smoothly?
  5. How much do you know about history, politics, geography, literature, and philosophy?
  6. How much do you know about botany?
  7. How well do you speak French?
  8. How much German and Italian do you know?
  9. How well do you play the piano/harp?
  10. How well do you sing?
  11. How well do you dance old-fashioned dances? (not modern or tap-dancing, the pretty, complicated ones)
  12. Can you draw and paint?
  13. Can you sew and mend?
  14. How well do you embroider? (cross-stitch, knotting, etc.)
  15. Do you have good manners?

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Quiz topic: How Accomplished am I? (females)