Holy Spirit Survey

The Holy Spirit works in our lives. When we are baptized and confirmed, we are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but we have to receive them properly in order for them to have an effect in our lives. By receiving the gifts, we are sanctified.

The Holy Spirit works in our lives. When we are baptized and confirmed, we are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but we have to receive them properly in order for them to have an effect in our lives. By receiving the gifts, we are sanctified. How sanctified are you?

Created by: Ensley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I tend to see the "whole picture" when it comes to life and its meaning.
  2. I see myself and others as God does.
  3. I have a close, personal relationship with God.
  4. I spend time in prayer in order to know God.
  5. I consider God a friend.
  6. I respect God, myself, and others
  7. I pray and worship God.
  8. I am not afraid to give witness to my faith.
  9. I stand up for what I know is right.
  10. I keep my faith, even when I am persecuted or discouraged.
  11. I try to see others' point of view.
  12. I try to look at others and situations as God does.
  13. I work for reconciliation and peace in times of conflict.
  14. I make decisions that are in line with Jesus' teachings, words, and actions.
  15. I tend to make moral choices.
  16. I know when to ask others for help.
  17. I give good, moral advice to others.
  18. I am open to the sometimes surprising presence of God in my life.
  19. I appreciate the mystery of the Trinity.
  20. I recognize that I am sinful and ask forgiveness when I am wrong.
  21. I respond to God's invitation to a relationship with Him.

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