Hedley Quiz ~~~~~~~~~

What is a Hedley fan?. Well, If you know as much as I do about Hedley then this is the quiz for you, or if you're wondering about your Hedley knowledge and if it measures up, come take this great quiz.

do you want to have some Famous Last Words after taking this quiz, well if you score high, and try, you will. take this quiz and find out everything you need to know and should already know. !

Created by: johnny
  1. What is Hedley?
  2. What is the lead singer's, (Jacob Hoggard) favorite sweet?
  3. What TV show was the lead singer on?
  4. What other band did Dave Rosin, Chris Crippin and Tommy Mac play in before Hedley?
  5. What is the 7th song from their debut album called?
  6. Which musical number have Hedley toured with?
  7. Where is Hedley from?
  8. "I'm not the only one with name brand shoes on" What song is this?
  9. I Don't Believe It; Which line goes with this song of Hedley's?
  10. How many songs are on the Limited Edition CD?
  11. What was on of the plays Jacob Hoggard was in when he was in school?
  12. What is Jacob Hoggard's favorite Hockey team?
  13. What is Jacob Hoggard's middle name?
  14. Which member of Hedley is married?
  15. What is the name of Jacob's wife?
  16. Where did the name come from? (Hedley)
  17. Which two members got a "Hedley" tattoo?
  18. Where did Jacob and Tommy get their tattoo tatooed on their body?
  19. Whats the first single going to be off their new album?
  20. What date will the new album be released?

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