have u forgotten about him?

thanks for taking this quiz maybe it wold help you forget that cartain person or maybe you will learn to just realize that ur totally over him and thats perfectlly fine dont worry

can u do it?? r u really over him or is there still something for him just do the test and you might figure it out and just wondering about how you concer this problem just take the test and you will know

Created by: betty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you see him do you stiil cry
  2. do you get jelous if u see him with someone else?
  3. do you feel like calling him sometimes?
  4. do u have another boyfriend/lover already?
  5. do you think about him
  6. if he called you you would...
  7. when they mention his name
  8. would you get back with him?
  9. would you get back with him?
  10. would you get back with him?

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