Harry Potter - Witch Female Character are you ?

Hmm, wonderful. Everyone in this world is unique, exceptional, and extraordinary, and this is my second quiz to help on the analysing. Futhermore, they possess lots of different skills, talents, and interests. However, how many of them do really know themselves well?

As we all know, the Harry Potter series is fantastic and marvelous. Its fictional characters are even more special. Do you want to sort out your priorities? Let's take this quiz and find out which one is your twin of character!

Created by: Ravenclaw Witch
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which color is most appealing to you?
  2. ~Duplicated question, vote if necessary~
  3. Your favorite lesson at Hogwarts is...
  4. Describe yourself.
  5. What's your ideal Muggle job?
  6. Hmm, a locked door. What do you do?
  7. Would you rather learn...
  8. Pick a potion.
  9. What inspires you the most?
  10. Choose a pet.
  11. It's the weekend! How are you going to spend it?
  12. What's your greatest fear?
  13. How would your friend/ fellow schoolmates describe you?
  14. Cedric Diggory (or any biggest heartthrobs) asks you to the Yule Ball! How do you react?
  15. Choose a snack.
  16. Now, let's proceed to the important question. Which house are you in?
  17. Choose a uniform.
  18. Who's your idol?
  19. Lastly, did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter - Witch Female Character am I ?