Harry Potter Test For True Fans Only

Do you love Harry Potter? Do you like testing yourself? If these things are both true about yourself than you will love this quiz! I hope you like this quiz!

Many people in the world say that they are true Harry Potter fans. This quiz will determine if you are a Harry Potter fan or not! You will really love this quiz if you are, or maybe even if you're not

Created by: Lil
  1. Let's start easy. What is Umbridge's first name?
  2. Who does Fleur Delacour marry?
  3. How do the students open "The Monster Book of Monsters"?
  4. Who is pretending to be Scabbers
  5. Who's nickname is Moony?
  6. Who is the DADA teacher in Harry's sixth year?
  7. Who (out of these people) is not in the order of the pheonix?
  8. What colour light shoots out of your wand when you preform the killing curse?
  9. What is Prof. Flitwick's first name?
  10. What fruit must you tickle to enter the Hogwarts kitchen

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