Harry Potter sorting hat quiz

This quiz will tell you your Hogwarts house and If you dont agree you can just play again also advise you to play It three times to get a sucure answer.

I hope you enjoy this quiz but please note this is my first attempt so it may be a bit in correct but I am pretty sure it will give you a correct answer.

Created by: Cookie Kid
  1. What house do you prefer the most?
  2. Whos personality is most like yours?
  3. What is your favourite quality?
  4. Whos your lest favourite character?
  5. What would you be thinking when the sorting hat is on your head?
  6. What animal would you have as a pet?
  7. Whats your last favourite trait in a person?
  8. The 3rd floor is locked to whoever doesnt want to die the most painful death? Would you go on to the 3rd floor?
  9. Would you enter the Forbidden Forest and if you do when?
  10. Its your first day at Hogwarts who do you want to met first?

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