Harry Potter Christmas

It's Christmas so we must celebrate with a suitable quiz that tests all your festive knowledge with relation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Get your anti-cheating quills at the ready and find out how you do in your O.W.L.s mocks. It's all Christmas themed to get you ready for a truly 'magical' Christmas.

Created by: Claire of Readhead
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who accompanies Harry to Slughorn's Christmas party?
  2. What does Harry NOT receive for Christmas during First Year?
  3. How many Christmas trees appear in the Great Hall
  4. One year for Christmas Aunt Marge gave Harry...
  5. What happens to the Great Hall's enchanted ceiling at Christmas?
  6. The Yule Ball was held on which day?
  7. Where is described as looking "like a Christmas card"?
  8. Fred and George bewitched snowballs to attack who?
  9. On Christmas Day in her second year, where was Hermione?
  10. Where did Harry spend his last Christmas while still at Hogwarts?

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