harry potter character are you most like

who do you think you are like from harry potter figure out here if you are like harry himself Ron or Hermione take a shot its only 12 questions come on i know you want it

find out if you are like Ron who is very funny or like harry who is a very bold person or are you possibly like Hermione who is very smart the only way to find out is quiz

Created by: adam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. two people are standing in front of you. who would you go to?
  2. a muggle finds out you are wizard what do you do
  3. your having dinner then death eaters attack what do you do
  4. your friend cheats on a test do you tell the teacher or not
  5. you see a troll do you run stand ground or fight
  6. if you died how would you want to be remembered
  7. some one offers you a butter beer of the street what do you do
  8. what do you want people to know about you after you die
  9. white or black not skin color
  10. quidditch or studying

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Quiz topic: Harry potter character am I most like