Happy Birthday Icy!

Soooo......Happy Birthday Icy! I hope your reading this. You are like a great best friend and you awesome to be around. I don't make quizzes that say Happy Birthday to people I don't know.

Soooo......Happy Birthday Icy! I hope your reading this. You are like a great best friend and you awesome to be around. I don't make quizzes that say Happy Birthday to people I don't know. :)

Created by: Zane Is Here
  1. Okay so Happy Birthday Icy! You are like an awesome friend and I'm glad your in my life.
  2. You make me smile a lot.
  3. You make me laugh. All. The. Time.
  4. You are my favorite girl on GTQ. Your tied with mia and kwright.
  5. What else can I put?
  6. Your awesome.
  7. Your a good best friend.
  8. Good? I meant great!
  9. So yeah. Your like awesome.
  10. Don't ever forget that. Bye.

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