Guess about me!

Have you ever wondered how good of a guesser u just might be? Peoplezes of all ages can try out this 28-question quiz were guess about me!!! Why don't u try it out?

C'mon try it!! I worked zoo hard makin it I made it on an iPod touch! Take this! C'mon, u too scared? Give er a shot! Guess about me you big crybaby!!

Created by: Hdhbdhdhe
  1. What is my eye color?
  2. What is my gender?
  3. Am I adopted?
  4. What's my favorite color?
  5. What kind of dog do I have?
  6. What US state was I born in?
  7. What month is my birthday in?
  8. What group of animal do I have most knowledge in?
  9. Do I have braces, now, in early 2011?
  10. What is my favorite number
  11. What letter does my first name start with?
  12. Middle name?
  13. Last?
  14. What is my religion?
  15. What type of fish was my favorite fish, emrald ye?
  16. What age was he when he died? :(
  17. What is my favorite typed emotion?
  18. What is one of my brothers' name?
  19. What is my favorite sport?
  20. Do I wear glasses?
  21. What insult bothers me the most?
  22. What insult makes me laugh no matter what?
  23. How much do I swear?
  24. Have I ever had a boy/girl friend?
  25. What is one of my sisters' names?
  26. Are both my parents still alive?
  27. Have I ever been to a different country?
  28. What is my LEAST favorite number?

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