What magic potential do YOU have? | Comments

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  • You are a Pharie of Darkness. 78%

    Pharies of Darkness tend to be mischievous, although not always. They tend to prefer the Dark, like humans of Darkness, only much greater in magic. Then can blend better in shadows when truly needed and have their magic revealed to an amazing- almost impossible- extent. Try focusing all of your mental and physical energy inside you on the shadows when you are in the Dark. You may feel tingly at first, bu that is just the wake-up call. You never know what you can unlock inside yourself...

  • What magic potential do YOU have?
    Your Result: You Are a human of Darkness.

    A Human of Darkness would prefer the dark and their magic is much stronger in it than in the light. Try focusing your ind and energy when in the dark.

  • Pharie of darkness,I am mischievous I also like being alone rather than with people sense I get mentally abused alot which sucks. I'd like to own magic to and fly. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • So I got 66% semi-spirit of Darkness and 66% human of Light (got other stuff to but this semi-spirit of Darkness was the one in which it said I was but Im 66% semi-spirit of darkness and 66% human of Light)

  • Hey, I'm the creator of this quiz. I have another (probably more interesting than this one) called What would you do? (It's pretty hard to find for some reason, so good luck!)

  • Pharie of Darkness... Sounds cool. I'll try to do the energy ball thing in the dark.


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