How much does he like you? | Comments

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  • How much does he like you?
    Your Result: He ADORES you!

    You have a person just dying over you. He can't get enough of you, stares at you over half the time and talks and laughs with you the other. This can be so nice to have such a good guy friend, but it's also a bad thing. Remember dating is dangerous. Check your feelings and make sure he's the right one for you. He just may be! And sometimes having a guy simply adoring you can be frustrating. Don't be rude but if he over-does it, then politely excuse yourself from him. If you're enjoying his interest, be nice...don't let him know of your feelings and don't blush.

    Maybe he does have a crush....
    He likes you!
    He does not know you!
    Gawd, if only he didn't have a girlfriend.

  • He ADORES you! 83%

    You have a person just dying over you. He can't get enough of you, stares at you over half the time and talks and laughs with you the other. This can be so nice to have such a good guy friend, but it's also a bad thing. Remember dating is dangerous. Check your feelings and make sure he's the right one for you. He just may be! And sometimes having a guy simply adoring you can be frustrating. Don't be rude but if he over-does it, then politely excuse yourself from him. If you're enjoying his interest, be nice...don't let him know of your feelings and don't blush.

    • Just wondering, how can I NOT blush? Blushing isn't controlable.

  • I've been totally head-over-heels for the guy in my math class, he's nice and funny to talk to but he is dating one of my friends. I've liked him since 5th grade, I promised myself I would tell him, but now I'm afraid of hurting my friend. And on top of that, I think I'm fallign for one of his friends.... help..

  • How much does he like you?
    Your Result: Maybe he does have a crush.... 86%

    He may like you but doesn't want anyone to know that yet because it's sorta embarrassing. If he continues to stare and act strange around you, then he most likely does have a crush. Oh, and he will most likely avoid a girl he likes so others don't notice his crush so don't let that bother you. Don't flirt too much just try to get his attention. A little is okay, but not too much. And if he completely ignores you and you are upset, ignore him and he'll come around. Remember, he doesn't want his secret to get out.

    60% He likes you!
    43% He ADORES you!
    9% He does not know you!

  • How much does he like you?
    Your Result: He likes you! 70%

    This guy really has a crush on you but it's not too big and he's too embarrassed to let too many people know. He knows how secrets spread so he's quiet about his crush around others but just alone together you both go nuts. He does like you...and a lot. Don't get carried away though by your foolish dreams and fantasies about romance. Remember if you hate all his qualities except for the fact he's cute, ditch him. Cuteness in a guy is not the only thing you should look for in a husband--let me tell you that. But otherwise, he does have a crush on you.

    70% Maybe he does have a crush....
    50% He ADORES you!
    40% He does not know you!
    good to know that my bf likes me!

  • he likes me yah i mean this guy is always staring at my feet and sometimes at my face its like when he loks at my feet he doesn't blink and he said my drawings were nice and when i move he looks at my feet again and sometimes my face and asks me for something or help alot and is asking these questions all the time.he stares at my feet soo often im begining to think that he likes me or thers is something weird or wrong about my feet lol

    united states
  • "He ADORES you" I hope it's true cuz, I've been crushing on him as long as I've known him. Sometimes I just think he is a real close guy friend but, I really do hope this quiz is right. :D

  • he really does like me!! i hope that's right because i've been crushing on this guy for the longest time at school. sometimes i just think he is a real close guy friend but i really do hope this quiz is right.

  • And it annoys me because, guess what, SOME schools have SCHOOL UNIFORMS. It’s not like I’m gonna f---ing wear a random skirt to school he wouldn’t react like hey ur pretty he would be like why the f--- are you wearing that?? And yeah so don’t be stupid.

  • THIS IS SO STUPID. This quiz oh my god why are you judging my appearance and hygiene?? And just saying, I took this quiz to see if it was accurate, cus I am dating the person and if ur f---ing joking don’t take this the wrong way but. He had a crush on me even though I have ‘UGLY GINGER HAIR’*** oh wow.... WOW.... ugh. Stupid quiz

  • he does like me...... i guess my friends were right. everything you said in the results were realistic. rumors go around fast in my class, and he is a little shy so yaaaa..... well, great quiz =)

    x aka mrlq x
  • He ADORES you!

    the only thing on this quiz that was hard to answere was the ones about clothes and stuff. he nor i really give crap about that kind of stuff.

  • I guess 80 percent makes since since we're neighbors...

  • I've taken all of the "does he like me" quizzes and they're all comeing back yes. Noooooooooooooooo!! ! Now I'll feel more awkward then I already do!

    deadly silence
  • OMG 80%!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ima give him my # tomorrow at church! Hope he txts me!

  • he likes me oh yeah we have a LOT in common I MEAN A LOT LIKE A LOT LOL

    united states
  • eeeeeeeee he likes me. I think he tries to ask me out, but hes too shy :/


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