Gregory Helms Quiz

Now you can test your knowledge on The Greatest Cruiser Weight Champion Ever! by taking the quiz. You can learn more about Gregory at or Gregory's myspace.

The quiz will cover WCW, WWE, and some person information on Gregory. How much do you really know about him? Take the quiz and find out. The quiz will break down a percentage for you on how many you got correct.

Created by: Shelly Lenay
  1. What Candy bar does Gregory eat before his matches?
  2. Which person has Gregory Shane Helms not been a tag team partner with?
  3. What belt did Sugar Shane NOT win?
  4. What comicbook symbol is a tattoo on Gregory's arm?
  5. Sugar Shane was a stuntman in what movie?
  6. Which character has Gregory Shane Helms held the title as?
  7. Which line below has Gregory achieved?
  8. How many amateur gold medals did Shane win?
  9. What first did Gregory not do?
  10. To Gregory, biggest win ever was against?
  11. What can't Gregory stand to wrestle without?
  12. What state is Gregory from?
  13. Who wasn't in 3 Count?
  14. Whose was the biggest feud 3 Count had at WCW?
  15. First city to ever chant "Hurricane" once the character started?
  16. Sugar Shane helped host what at WCW?
  17. Place Gregory Shane Helms has been?
  18. is approaching how many years online?
  19. Who has Gregory Shane Helms NOT held the tag team title with?
  20. Had Gregory ever been in a ladder match during his career on TV?
  21. What name below has Gregory NOT wrestled under.
  22. What grade did Shane take the SAT's?
  23. Who did Gregory wrestle despite having a broken nose?
  24. What date did Gregory win the cruiser weight belt that started his title longest reigning cruiser weight champ ever?
  25. When is Gregory's birthday?
  26. Who announced on Raw that Gregory was his favorite superstar?
  27. Which belt has Gregory Shane Helms not held?
  28. How does Gregory drink his water?
  29. Which is NOT a move by Gregory?
  30. What tag team has Gregory not be in?
  31. What one was NOT a saying of The Hurricane?
  32. Which song did 3 Count not sing?
  33. How many American States has Gregory wrestled in?
  34. Who did NOT team up with The Hurricane on WWE?
  35. What newspaper did The Mild Mannered Reporter work for? hint: It was on his press tag on his jacket.
  36. Did Sugar Shane ever make it on the front of the WCW Magazine before WCW sold?
  37. What move did Sugar Shane make famous?
  38. Who did The Hurricane tell he had a teenie weenie?
  39. Wow did Sugar Shane beat to win his first Cruiser Weight Belt?
  40. When Sugar Shane made his entrance, who came out with him?(after 3 Count days)

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