
many people spend thousands of hours in the car driving to the supermarket. we are always board and tired of ypu get an handheld device.but which one should ypu get?

here you will do a test to attempt to figure out which handheld device suits you the most.there are five different devices that mite suit you the most so lets go do it!!!!!!

Created by: bart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is your favorite company?
  2. what is your favorite game series?
  3. what genre do you prefer?
  4. do want a camera?
  5. how do you feel about paying for online play?
  6. how do you feel about surfing the web
  7. do you like retro gaming
  8. do you like facebook
  9. do you like skype
  10. do you want long battery life?

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