Goodbye, Gotoquiz.

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Hey, guys. I've been gone a while, but now I'm back... However, it's just for a short amount of time. I made this quiz to announce that I'm leaving, and I just wanted anyone who is curious to know what happened.

Most of the people I've known on here aren't using this site anymore, which is unfortunate, but there's nothing I can do about it. I guess I'm about to join them.

Created by: Firey_Soul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hey, everyone. So... it's been a while.
  2. Y'know, GTQ used to be one of my favorite sites. A few years ago, around this time, I would be spending hours trying to continue my fairly well known series, making random, silly quizzes, or taking quizzes. I was completely in love with this site and the people in it.
  3. ...But now, years later, it feels as if everything has changed. I used to have so many great friends and know so many inspiring people, but gradually they all kind of just... left. ...They just left me. They all stopped talking to me without another word said.
  4. In my opinion, this site has gone greatly downhill. I could go into detail about this, but if you are an older GTQ user, you will know exactly what I mean.
  5. So, what I'm trying to say is that I think I'm going to quit this site.
  6. ...Maybe not forever, but I'm definitely taking a break. I will not be obligated to make any more quizzes nor take them. I may occasionally drop by when I'm bored, but other than that, this site is not the place to find me.
  7. I find it sort of hard to read back on my older quizzes. So much has changed about me, and quite frankly, the old me was stupid. Paranormal Love was a great writing experience, but the story itself is crap. I love my characters, but they're all kind of model types and their lack of flaws sort of bug me. You guys don't know this, but I've changed all of them a little bit to make them more interesting. Not that I'm going to edit Paranormal Love. It's just too much of a mess to be fixed. And let's not even bring up my failed sequel... ugh.
  8. As for my writing career... I'm not sure where that is going. This has been a tough year for me, and my motivation for well... anything has pretty much died. I still love writing, but I'm going to need to get back on my feet before I can continue properly. And I can't tell you exactly when I'm going to get my s--- together, but hopefully I'll be able to. I couldn't tell you guys all that has been going on... and I'm sure you don't want to know anyway. But to sum it up, I've been battling severe depression and anxiety. The fate of my writing career will be determined by whether I can end my depression... or if my depression ends me.
  9. So... I guess that's about it. I'm very sorry, guys if this affects you negatively in any way. I am still open to talk, and if anyone wants to, send me a message on wattpad. (User name is GreenEyedAng3l.) Remember, I'm quitting GTQ, not the internet.
  10. Goodbye, everyone! And thank you for making me happy for so long. Love you guys. Really. :)

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