Geography quiz!

You'd think you'd know the own planet you live on,but you'd be suprised on how much people do not know!Maybe you could learn something new wile taking this quiz

You tink you know geography?Think again!Prepare to test your knowledge from various contries and cities across the globe!In a few questions you will find out how well you know this planet!

Created by: айдан

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the capital city of Russia?
  2. What is the 2nd largest US state?(area)
  3. Which is not currently a country?
  4. What is the Capital city of Egypt?
  5. What country does not border China?
  6. What is the largest country in South America?
  7. What country is famous for looking like a boot?
  8. Which is not a Capital city?
  9. Which country In in 2 Continents?
  10. Did you cheat

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