Genesis 11-25 Bible Quiz

The book of Genesis is an awesome part of the Bible. Not only do we get to explore the lives of Lot, but also Abraham and Sarah, and Hagar and Ishmael. It's pretty cool, man. Pretty darn cool.

The book of Genesis? More like the book of GENIUS, ha ha!! Take this quiz to find out if you're as much of a Bible buff as you think you are. Seriously. Just take it. Take the quiz.

Created by: shleb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who was the father of Lot?
  2. Where did Abram stop when the famine struck?
  3. Who did Abram pretend that Sarai was to him?
  4. Where did Lot set out for?
  5. Where does Abram live now?
  6. Who blessed Abram?
  7. What did God tell Abram would happen to his descendants?
  8. Who made a covenant with Abram?
  9. Whose slave was Hagar?
  10. Why did she flee?
  11. What is Abrams new name?
  12. What was God's covenant with him?
  13. What did Sarah lie about to the three visitors?
  14. Who turned into a pillar of left as they left Sodom?
  15. What did Sarah prevent the other women in the household from doing?
  16. Why did Sarah send Hagar and Ishmael away?
  17. Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
  18. Who first died?
  19. Where was Abraham buried?
  20. What did Rebekah bear?

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