Gender Spectrum Quiz | Comments

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  • I got female I think its right for me:)

    Princess Emma123
  • Female 64%, Male 62%, Gender Neutral 62%

    • Male identified now

  • Your Result: Gender-neutral/Both 90%

    You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    45% Gender-neutral
    20% Female Identified
    3% Male Identified

    I already know I'm Nonbinary with a bit of femininity and I feel like my results are spot on with how I identify as me.

  • I already know I'm Nonbinary and I feel like my results are spot on to how I identify as me.

  • Gender Spectrum Quiz
    Your Result: Gender neutral 76%

    You follow the neither the male or female stereotype very closely. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to have some similarities to you but not many. This could mean you could share some characteristics of both, or be completely neutral. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    34% Male Identified
    32% Both
    I couldn't copy the female one
    Lol this kinda ish fits

  • i got gender neutral

  • Gender Spectrum Quiz
    Your Result: Both 87%

    You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    Yep! Im genderfluid. I identify sometimes as he/him or they/them or she/her. This just made me more convinced that I am. :D

  • I've been thinking of using she/him pronouns and I think I'm bigender but honestly I feel like I'm too dumb to understand anything about myself.

    • Aw, try to to feel like that! If you feel bigender and that doesnt change after a while, then thats probably who you are. I myself have been thinking of using certain pronouns, they/them, he/him and she/her. So I think I am trigender. :D

  • I got mostly female, and I do feel MOSTLY female, but I feel non-binary and a little bit of male in me. I feel like sort of: 69.9% Female, 25% Non-binary, and about 5.1% male. This probably doesn't make any sense, so pleaseeee someone help ME understand.

  • Your result: gender neutral 86%

    You follow the neither the male or female stereotype very closely. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to have some similarities to you but not many. This could mean you could share some characteristics of both, or be completely neutral. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    67% Female Identified
    62% Both
    10% Male Identified

    I'm still questioning my presentation at this point, but I feel like this has helped. I mostly feel feminine, but there are plenty of times that I enjoy not feeling feminine. Wearing traditionally masculine clothing makes me feel good inside, but I regularly enjoy wear semi-feminine clothing. Does that make sense?

    I don't see myself as mostly masculine at any point, but I do enjoy feeling less feminine or not feminine at all. Occasionally I have the chance to indulge myself in the comforting feeling of being less feminine.

  • Im bigender or both male and female. I would prefer they/them he/him pronouns. This quiz was fun. Being nonbinary isnt a trend you Karens!!

  • I am so confused of my gender lots of people and these type of quizzes help . I'm currently only 13 turning 14 soon though . I do know that I am not just completely female. I have been into all genders almost my whole life as well . Please reply and help me out I'm so confused of my gender currently. Also don't be unkind to me either. Thankyou for the help ! Lots of love

    • Same. I am pan and bigender. I realized this because I thought being attracted to girls or boys was straight and gay at the same time for me. + that I dont like my first name because it is too feminine. I like my middle name better. I feel like a tomboy and femboy at the same time because I am boyish for a female and girly for a male. I feel comfortable with they/them and he/him pronouns.

  • this quiz actually helped me a lot. i believe i still have a long way to go before figuring out my gender and sexuality. but thanks to this quiz i am much closer to figuring out the whole gender thing :)

  • Pretty good quiz. It has me 72% female. I am a male who loves to cross dress.

  • Your Result: Male Identified 82%

    You follow the male stereotype. The majority of male identified people are likely to be very similar to you. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    78% Female Identified
    48% Both
    38% Gender neutral

    i definitely dont identify as male, but i dont know what to identify as? i was thinking demigirl, but i dont know? it's like, theres a little disconnect from being completely female (im afab) and i would like to try she/they pronouns? but at the same time im pretty comfortable w/ my body & voice & mannerisms. i just dont wanna seem like a cis girl trying to be special.

    • They/them pronouns arent limited to nonbinary people. If you feel like a girl but feel comfortable with those pronouns you are valid. If you really feel that disconnect to being female as you say Demi girl could be for you though.

  • both 83%, i feel this is very accurate, i was born female, but never felt truly one, thought i was trans for a while, then wasn't, and currently confused and alone about who i really am.

  • I got 97% gender neutral this quiz might of sliced my problems

  • FEMALE and I love it because I love dressing up as a WOMAN whenever possible and would like to be looked at as a WOMAN for that's who I am but society and family are a hindrance. Anyways thanks for the confirmation

  • I'm not sure what I am cuz I'm fine being a girl but still want to be a boy. I'm a total tomboy but I feel like a boy more than a girl sometimes. I dont like having a chest at all but I'm ok with everything else. I dont dress like a girl but I dont dress like a boy either. I dont think I'm gender neutral cuz I still identify as a girl even though I want to be a boy sometimes. Can someone help me..?

    • You might be bi-gender? I know 4 months is a long time for a reply, but I also know how bad it can feel to not know where you belong or if you belong at all. Hopefully you found something before this comment but if you didn't I hope this can help. If bi-gender doesn't sit right with you there is also genderfluid.

  • hate gender quizzes that use derogatory terms towards transgendered and gender variant people?

    whats your gender: male or female?
    God this whole quiz is just hatespeech

  • Your Result: Both 74%

    You follow both female and male stereotypes. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. This usually means you are fairly even with your femininity and masculinity or you switch between genders freely. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    42% Male Identified
    26% Gender neutral
    19% Female Identified

    True, I´m genderfluid and I identify mostly as male or genderles, just in rare occasions as female.

  • Your Result: Female Identified 78%

    You follow the female stereotype. The majority of female identified people are likely to be very similar to you. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    66% Both
    56% Male Identified
    32% Gender neutral

  • Female identified, 78%

    Well, that just convinced me even more. And it actually makes me happy if Im being honest.

  • Your Result: Gender neutral88%

    You follow the neither the male or female stereotype very closely. The majority of male and female identified people are likely to have some similarities to you but not many. This could mean you could share some characteristics of both, or be completely neutral. Your gender is whatever you label it as however, and despite this quiz's results, you can identify however feels comfortable for you.

    84% Both
    36% Female Identified
    12% Male Identified

    Okay I forgot to post my results with my comments earlier.

  • Since I am a lifelong MTF crossdresser, this result does not surprise me terribly. Sometimes I feel girly and sometimes I feel the gender that I was born.


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