GCSE Music - Mozart

Are you an expert on Mozart and his creations? take the quiz about his 40th symphony and fine out! Remember you can take the quiz as many times as you like.

Do you have what it takes to gain the knowledge of this brilliant composer? Find out now! All it takes is 10 questions to master the art of mozart's brilliant music.

Created by: rishika of gcsemusichelp.webs.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What era is this piece from ?
  2. Mozart's 40th symphony is written in what form?
  3. What is the texture of this piece?
  4. What does the term ' Anacrusis' mean?
  5. What are the three parts to the sonata form
  6. Is anacrusis a term for a pitch or rhythm?
  7. Which chromatic chords does mozart use in this movement?
  8. Which century was Mozart's piece written in?
  9. What related key is the second subject in?
  10. What key is the 1st subject in?

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