Gardening of couse quiz

There are not many master gardener's but you could be one if you got 100% then you are a true master gardener. Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray,

Thank you for doing this quiz expecaly if you are a master gardener. Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, Hip Hip Horray, to the master gardeners Hip Hip Horray.

Created by: Travis3345

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the first thing you should do when you plant a plant?
  2. What coulor is a snapdragon flower?
  3. Dose the climeing fig plant have a fruit?
  4. What vigi is yellow and is on a cob?
  5. Is it good to have a worm farm as a gardener?
  6. How do you become a gardener?
  7. What is a garden for?
  8. What are flowers knowen as?
  9. Is being a farmer the same as a gareder?
  10. Are grsses a plant?

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