Gamer Soul - Next Generation - The Games Quiz

Are you a Gaming Genius?? Test yourself with our Games Quiz!! Hey, Fry, Games, All sorts!! ENJOY!! LaLaLa!! I can't be bothered with this!! Nope not me not at all!! I have passion for GAMES!!!

Are you a Gaming Genius?? Test yourself with our Games Quiz!! Hey, Fry, Games, All sorts!! ENJOY!! LaLaLa!! I can't be bothered with this!! Nope not me not at all!! I have passion for GAMES!!! Hello!! Goodbye!!

Created by: Angelo Hague
  1. In the new Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2008, there are 6 Different Worlds. What are the names of these worlds?
  2. On Sonic Rush, what's the name of the Cat you unlock??
  3. On Super Mario Galaxy, you must collect what?
  4. On the game Endless Ocean, what do you do?
  5. What year was Grand Theft Auto IV released in?
  6. Why did I make this quiz??
  7. Why do I entertain you with my public activities?
  8. Why do I like you guys?
  9. On Yu-Gi-Oh Online Duel Evolution, you may...
  10. On Big Brain Academy, what is it like?

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