Freedom, Independence, Stability and Happiness quiz

I was reading about how the cost of living for people who make between $18k and $88k a year has gone way up, while the income of most people in this bracket has stayed the same. People in this range also are taking on more and more debt just to have decent living standards - like homes and college educations. I know I feel the crunch, and I was wondering how the rest of my friends felt as well. So I created this quiz to find out.

I won't share your specific answers with anyone if you don't want me to. I just want to know how you are doing in life. From what experience I have, I've created this quiz to measure the things that seem to bring the most peace and happiness to people. Let's see how it goes!

Created by: Evan Morrison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have health insurance?
  2. How do you pay your bills? (School costs also count as bills)
  3. Do you have extra income that you are able to save regularly, and does your savings continually grow?
  4. If you were out of work for three months, what would you do?
  5. How confident are you that you could find a job that replaced the income of your current job if you lost it suddenly?
  6. Do you have free time, and if so how much?
  7. Do you have people who you enjoy spending your free time with?
  8. Do you have someone you can talk to when things aren't going as well as you'd like them to? (can be more than one person)
  9. If you have health insurance, does it cover all of your health needs?
  10. If you drive, do you have car insurance?
  11. Are you as close to your family as you'd like to be?
  12. Do you have as much sex as you would like to?
  13. If you live with people, what do you think of them?
  14. Is the sex that you do have as good as you'd like it?
  15. If you work, are you fulfilled at work?
  16. How do you feel about the people you work with?
  17. How do you feel about your money?
  18. How satisfied are you by your current transportation setup? (Car, bike, bus, carpool, etc.)
  19. How do you feel about your body?
  20. How do you feel about random people you meet when you are out in your community?
  21. How do you think the next five years of your life are going to go?
  22. How is your relationship with your significant other?

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