Foodism Fun Quiz

We have created this quiz for you to test your knowledge about food. It contains useful tips, fun facts and more! The answers cannot be found on the Foodism website, so you need to really dig into your own knowledge system!

What do YOU know about food? Do you have the knowledge to answer all the questions correctly? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Esther

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  1. If you touch raw meat or chicken, before you touch anything else you should:
  2. Eating raw cookie dough made with raw eggs is OK.
  3. The inside of a banana is...
  4. What is the oldest of all man-made foods?
  5. What was at one time the single most expensive seasoning in the world?
  6. You are offered a drink before a meal. What should you order if you are watching your diet?
  7. What is the name for health-improving bacteria added to our food (like in dairy products)?
  8. What sorts of fats should you eat?
  9. Which of these is not edible?
  10. I am having a friend over who keeps Kosher (Jewish dietary laws), I am going to serve lasagna. I cannot use the classic bechamel sauce but I still want to use meat, what should I use instead of the milk and butter?

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