Fairy Tail: Who am I? quiz

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Hello. I have divided words that might be going through the characters heads, and it’s your turn to guess who thought what. Erza believes you can do it!

Good luck, and may you never be hit by an Etherion Blast or deal with the Faces of any kind. And someone, please find out wether a fairy has tail or not. 👆🏼

Created by: Lucyy
  1. Let’s start with an easy one. “I’m am a ~neko~ with the tendency to use the words “aye” and “sir” in almost every occasion.” Who am I?
  2. Next….. “I always get angry if the pink-haired freak picks another fight with me. Fire and ice~ we just don’t mix.” Who am I?
  3. Moving along. “Those two bickering dimwits always make me intervene. But, I am quite fond of my guild mates, however. Oh look~ they are fighting again.” Who am I?
  4. {More Potatoes} “Awwwww hey Plue! Remember when I bought you at Hargeon Port!?” Who am I?
  5. {Question, how many cupcakes can Zebra Man buy with two human souls?} “Ahh what a wonderful parfum! Man!!! (echoes)” Who am I?
  6. Eeeeeeeeee “Awwww I have wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful *cough* wonderful daughter!!!” Who am I?
  7. PICKLES “No! My bestie killed his dragon! He is so powerful!! Believe me!” Who am I?
  8. Meep.. “The Lumen Histiore!!! I have to find it! Mokarov will pay!!” Who am I?
  9. -Hi- “Just break my key! Quick, you must!” Who am I?
  10. {Potato} “I have an apartment filled with little plushies of my wonderful Gray-sama! Juvin!!!!!” Who am I?

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