Facts about me 🐉

Hi,i made this quiz so you could know some stuff about me and to get to know me a little better.We might even have some stuff in common and share the same interests

Also i hope you like it.If we don't have a lot in common then you could try some of the stuff i like.Im saying you can,im not trying to force you to do anything,but just try 😉

Created by: heyitseileen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. My favorite colors are :White,Navy bkue,Red,and Black
  2. I like k-pop/k-dramas
  3. My favorite animal is a duck/penguin And a little bit of tigers 🐯
  4. Im 13
  5. My favorite disney princess is mulan Used to be ariel 🐠
  6. I like kawaii stuff
  7. Random fact: i like chips
  8. If i could be any animal,i would be a tiger
  9. Im anti social
  10. Bye

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