
Do you want to find your personality? In this quiz you can find out which personality best fits YOU! It's short (only 12 questions long) but I think you will fit the categories!

DISCLAIMER: Everyone is different. No haters in the comments please! And remember: Haters gunna hate, potatoes gunna potate! Anyways, I hope you enjoy my quiz! Recomend to friends (:

Created by: Luna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. On a saturday afternoon, you can be found...
  2. You would describe your style as..
  3. Your principal stops you in the hallway and claims you cheated (and you didn't) on a test. You..
  4. You start dating a guy. What happens?
  5. Whats your favorite magazine?
  6. Who is your favorite singer/band?
  7. The best colors are..
  8. If you were an animal, you'd be a (an)....
  9. What color is your room
  10. Whats your favorite drink?

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