Extra Credit Inequalities Quiz

You will earn 5 points extra credit for attempting to take this quiz. It covers the chapter on Inequalities. Try to do your best, the higher the score the better.

Try your best and good luck!! Don't forget to write your name so that I can give you credit for taking it. Please put your first and last name, not nicknames, or you will not recieve the creit.

Created by: Ms. Aldridge of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. What kind of mark would you place on the number line if the inequality was > ?
  2. What is the solution to the inequality: 7y < 21
  3. What is the solution to the inequality: x + 13 > 5
  4. What is the solution to the inequality: 3(x + 6) > 24
  5. What is the solution to the inequality: -2y < 14
  6. What is the solution to the inequality: 9x > -27
  7. What is the first thing you should look at before graphing an inequality?
  8. Re-write -2 > y
  9. What is the solution to the inequality: 5x + 2 < 22
  10. What chapter covers Inequalities?

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