Eres un therian o un humano?/are you a therian or a human?

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Este test no te dara resultados reales pero si aproximados,sigue buscando,recuerda que ser therian no es una elección,sigue buscando y te deseo lo mejor.

This test isn't going to give you real results,but yes aproximated results,keep searching and remember that therianthropy isn't a choice,keep searching and i deserve you the best.

Created by: Ainhoa_Therian
  1. Te sientes en el cuerpo correcto?/Do you feel in the right body?
  2. Has sentido el impulso de ladrar,gruñir,arañar,etc...?/Have you feel the impulse of barking,growling,etc...?
  3. Sabes que es un shift?,Has experimentado alguno?/Do you now what a shift is?,have you experimented one?
  4. Mi Inglés es bueno?/Is my English good?(this will not afect your results)
  5. Crees que eres therian?/Do you thing you're a therian?
  6. Has sentido que tienes cola/alas/orejas de animal/etc...?/Did you feel like you have tail/wings/ animal ears/etc...?
  7. Te sientes relacionado con algún habitat Natural?/Do you feel conected to some natural habitat?
  8. Si tuvieras que ser un tipo de animal serías.../If you haved to be one tipe of animal you would be...
  9. Te gusta estar fuera?/Do you like being outdoors?
  10. Te gusta la naturaleza?/Do you like nature?

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Quiz topic: Eres un therian o un humano?/am I a therian or a human?
