Elena of Avalor quiz(hard)

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Welcome to the Elena of Avalor hard quiz! where you can test your knowledge on Elena of Avalor! good luck! :) and I hope you still like it even though it is hard.

This Quiz is really hard so if you don't get it all right don't be upset, I had to research to find all the answers. :) This really is a great show and it is my favorite! Which is why I made this, Enjoy!

Created by: Princess Elena
  1. The first one is easy.How many siblings does Elena have
  2. now here is a really hard one ;)How many eyelashes does she have?(yes I counted)
  3. How old is Elena CURRENTLY?
  4. What is the name of the flower in Elena's hair?
  5. What is a Jaquin a mix of?
  6. What is Elena's full title
  7. What is Mateo's full name
  8. What is the name of Elena's Scepter?
  9. How many Days was Isabel and her grandparents trapped inside a magical painting?
  10. What is the name of 3 baby Jaquins?

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