Ectoparasites #2

This another part of Ectoparasites for the VT students of 2008 to study from for their finials. Since this is a very large section it has to broke up into parts to get everything down that we need to know so that we may pass our finial.

So how did you do on this section? I hope you did better then you thought that you would do. I know that it is helping me by doing this, since when I took one of the other test I got a good score on it and I will be trying them again later.

Created by: Xandie

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  1. Screwworm eggs are laid on fresh wounds.
  2. You do not need to report all cases to USDA or state authorities.
  3. What is the common name for Red tailed Flesh Fly or Gray Flesh Fly ______________.
  4. The parasite in question number 3 adult has 3 distinct bands on their thorax like the _____________.
  5. The ectoparasite in question 3 female lays larvae and not eggs.
  6. Musca domestica is the common house fly and Fannia scalaris is the common latrine fly.
  7. Musca autumnalis is identical to the house fly, and was introduced into the USA in the 1950's.
  8. Siphona (Haematobia) irritans common horn fly does not have piercing mouth parts.
  9. If enough horn flys are present they can cause significant blood loss.
  10. Stomoxys calcitrans (stable fly)usually rest with head up, are seen later in the year than other biting flies. They are also cause severe cases of anemia.
  11. Tabanus spp. (Hourse fly) is a small yellow fly with no bitting mouth parts.
  12. Crysops spp (deer fly)are as large as the horse fly, with small prominent compound eyes.
  13. Culex spp. is the most common species of mosquito.
  14. Female mosquito's do not have piercing and sucking mouth parts, and the eggs take about 6 weeks to hatch.
  15. The Simulium is commonly known as the _____________, and the mouthparts in female are short and heavy and are powerfully adapted for sucking blood
  16. Culicoides spp. can transmit Onchocerca and Bluetongue.
  17. Phlebotomus spp. common name is the sand fly and can transmit many protozoan diseases of man.
  18. What is the most common Ectoparasite that we have to deal with everyday.
  19. Ctenocephalides canis and felis are species specific.
  20. All of the Ctenocephalides canis and felis that we see are parasitic.
  21. Female fleas are smaller then male fleas.
  22. Flea may be ID by the shape of their heads. Ctenocephalides canis have a rounded head, and the Ctenocephalides felis have a longer and flatter head.
  23. Fleas are not very host specific, and generally do not have a preferred hosts.
  24. ___________ is essential for the female to lay eggs, and a young female can live 4 months or longer waiting to feed.
  25. The flea will die with their host if it dies.
  26. The female can only lay 100 eggs and only 2 or so at a time.
  27. The flea pupal stage only last 2 days.
  28. The flea is the intermediate host for Dipylidium canunum and sometime Dipetalonema reconditum.
  29. Pyrethrins are safe to use on just about any animal.
  30. Frontline does not have excellent tick control.
  31. K9 Advantix is safe to use on all animals.
  32. Shampoos, garlic, organic products, herbals, Nematodes, do work great to treat for fleas.
  33. Permectins are very safe for cats.
  34. There are flea control products on the market today that also help in preventing Toxocara, Ancylostoma, and heartworm.
  35. All veterinary hospitals do not need to formulate their own programs for flea control.
  36. There are _______ different types of lice.
  37. Lice are not species specific.
  38. The dog lice is __________ and is somewhat rare and seen in puppy farms mainly.
  39. Cattle do not get lice.
  40. Linognathus and Heamatopinus are ____________.

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