Easy Maths Quiz

This quiz is a quiz that will test your maths ability. It is an easy test for those who may struggle with maths. So if you would like to test your maths ability why not try the quiz and see what result you will get. Good luck!

Are you a maths genius or a genius in the making? Maybe you just need a little more practise.. either way there is only one way to find out. Take the easy maths quiz.

Created by: Kate

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  1. What is half of 20
  2. What is 2 x 5
  3. What is 10/2
  4. 100 + 100
  5. What do you get if you add 20 and 15 together?
  6. Divide 50 by 10, what do you get?
  7. Take away 80 from 105, what number do you get?
  8. Tim has 10 sweets, Lee has 12 and Mark has 8. How many sweets are there altogether?
  9. 3 x 3 = ?
  10. What is 20 + 10 + 5
  11. Divide 15 by 3
  12. What is half of 12
  13. Double the number 10, what number do you get?
  14. Double the number 6, what number do you get?
  15. What is 30 + 12
  16. Jill has 6 sweets, Milly has 9 and Shelley has 11. How many sweets do they gave altogether?
  17. If there is 7 days in a week. How many days are there in two weeks?
  18. 40 - 19 = ?
  19. 13 - 4 = ?
  20. Add 21 and 9 together, what number do you get?

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