Dream Date: Who will you chose...

hi... I don't know what to say so... my quiz is a combination of dreamstory and that other with the title something like who will you take. I made one because I ran out of quizzes to take LOL!.and because I was bored. (random stuff follows) dyruuuuuuuysyebdhfukdryegbduyebfnh

This is about girl who's going to have her life turned around just by taking the city bus home and dancing on it. In this quiz she'll have an extradinary twist in her life. Tell me if you like it because ill continue adding parts to it if so!!! (random stuff follows) huwyeyevdudvhdufvs djiehqfethubgcdrwtyj ftukbcgey

Created by: Kanisha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Coming from school you're so happy to be released from your crazy 12th grade teacher you rush out of school and hurry on the bus. While on there you see 4 hot guys talking and lauging getting on the bus and sitting down. You.....
  2. (assuming you chose D) you start listeing to the song and doing the beyonce dance. This definately gets the boys attention. They see you and start watching. At the end they root for an encore and clap. You...
  3. You run off of the bus and walk the rest of the way home. the boys see you get and they rush before the bus driver moves on. One of the said "Hey you". You turn back and see them coming towards you with a swift motion. You...
  4. you scream and one of them hit you unconcious with a bat. 15 minutes later you wake up in a van with 3 of them surronding you. You...
  5. Sit up and stare at them... moments later the van stopped and the boys got out and went inside. all except for one... he waited for you and introduced hisself. "Hi my name is Cody." You get lost in his beautiful pupiless dark lime green eyes and his smell of sweets. You...
  6. As you attempt to introduce yourslef he says "no need we know who you are..." You...
  7. he constructs you to come inside You say...
  8. as you hesitate to go in you see all the other boys staring you up and down looking at you like they want to do "stuff" to you. You...
  9. as you began to ask what you were doing there they explained that they all liked you and you'd be stuck in their' world for a period of time so you can make your decision. You...
  10. When you tried to run out the door you noticed it wasn't there. Then you back away slowly freaked out and fall into the lounging lap of Zach. "Hi I'm Zach...nice to meet you",he said looking you up and down. Then he threw you into the hands of Ray. "How ya doin" he said. You...
  11. as you said "hi" to Ray,you rubbed your fingers down his 6-pack. as he began to throw you to Kwamaine you said nope I got it. Then you...
  12. you sat beside Kwamaine and said "your name is...???" Then he said "what...im not good enough for you to sit on lap...ill kick you ass-pirin." Suddenly he lifted you up single handedly and put you on his lap. "Now... I'm Kwamaine Geiger and how are you doing" he said looking you in your eyes. As he did this you got lost in his looks and ran your hands through his ssmmootthh hair. then he said...
  13. As he kisses you...something comes over you and you begin to kiss back. (RAMDOMSTUFF SO JUST CHOSE ONE NO EFFECT)
  14. All of a sudden... Ray whispered to the others "we gotta show her it and we gotta now." You...
  15. Last question: Do you like my quiz so far... its not original because I used other parts of quizzes but leave a comment saying yes.no. and why!!!

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Quiz topic: Dream Date: Who will I chose...